Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Doubt is Satan's Foothold

In the story of the Fall in Genesis 3:1-7 the serpent successfully got Adam and Eve to doubt the Word of God. By simple questions he got them to doubt both their understanding of the command and the fact that God desired what was best for them. This doubt grew into a desire for the fruit in question. “It was a delight to the eyes.”

First it was doubt, then it was desire, and shortly after followed disobedience. This is a story that took place many thousands of years ago, but Satan uses the same tactic today to get us to disobey. He will tell us things that make us doubt God. We will doubt God’s providence, His protection, His love for us, the accuracy of His Word, among other things. If we are not ready, this doubt will lead to taking our eyes off of Christ and disobeying.
We see this exemplified by Peter. Peter seems to be the disciple that exemplifies everything in the New Testament. In Matt 14:28-31 we find Peter walking out to Jesus on the water. The problem comes when he sees the waves and quickly begins to doubt Jesus’ protection. As a result, he takes his eyes off of Jesus and begins to sink. This is an awesome picture of what I am writing about.

Doubt is always a part of our lives. We will always doubt and be tempted. We need to be ready to fight it by focusing on Christ. I submit that there are two main ways to do this in reference to doubting. We must be rooted in scripture and striving to have a better understanding of it by reading it. Secondly, we must run to Christ when we are in doubt. Certainly Adam and Eve could have brought God into this conversation with the serpent. They should have asked God for clarity on this issue.

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